
Kristen Rogers

Hi, I’m Kristen and I’m a recovering gluten addict 🙂 After years of suffering from unexplained fatigue, stomach issues, chronic headaches, sleep problems, and anxiety, I discovered (much to my dismay) that I had a gluten allergy. Gasp! After the initial shock wore off, I, regretfully, began cutting gluten out of my diet entirely. This turned out to be one of the best decisions that I have ever made – it has literally changed my life. However, the road to gluten-freeville was a bit bumpy and I got a little lost along the way.

After discovering my allergy, I began to do some research and found plenty of helpful blogs about living and cooking gluten free, but very little information specific to living gluten free in Houston. Where are the best places to eat? What restaurants have gluten-free menus? What restaurants have specially trained staff? And most important – who has the best food? Surely I couldn’t be the only Houstonian looking for this type of information, right? You get where I’m going with this.

I needed the scoop on how to live gluten free in the H-town, and you know what they say – “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” Thus, Gluten Free 713 was born.

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